Wednesday, June 6, 2007

On the move!

E has been speed crawling all over the house and "walking" while holding on to furniture and walls. She does a great Spiderman impression, holding her hands flat against the walls and scooting along the walls, it's so funny. Today, she realized she can reach doorknobs, and she also figured out how to take the "Shhhh, baby sleeping!" doorhanger off of her nursery door.

This photo caught her in the act!


Chasing Pure Simplicity said...

She looks so big standing up against the door. I really don't like that they are standing up and crusing on furniture by themselves. Pretty soon we'll have to start calling them toddlers! I don't think I'm ready for that!

Kimmy said...

"Spider man impression" - too cute! It won't be long... and she be running! ~ Kim