Thursday, May 10, 2007

Little bookworm!!

Reading is such a joy and such a part of my life. I love to watch my little girl get so excited about books. She loves to be absolutely surrounded by them, and is so excited to turn each page and marvel at the words, shapes and colors.

I love it! We're going to start library story time this summer with our friend Ethan, and I just know E will absolutely love it. I can hardly wait!


Chasing Pure Simplicity said...

We can't wait for our story time to start! It's going to be so much fun...

Kimmy said...

Keep it up... (o: I started my kiddos with books early too and they still love them. And now we're reading chapter book with Hudson... which is so fun. Ending the night with, "just one more chapter?" ~ Kim

Philip Heath said...

It took me until after college before I truly enjoyed books. The love of books early in life is a true gift.