Monday, February 15, 2010

There is no going back...

Many of you may remember the tough business decision I faced last year....after much prayerful consideration, last November, I turned in my notice to my biggest freelance PR client.

Today, I received a voice mail from the CEO of that very same business asking me to come back to work for them again.

The very thought makes my skin crawl.

I've known it 100 times and in hundreds of ways ever since I turned in my notice....but today confirmed it....I made the right decision for me and the right decision for my family.

Even when Mr. Big CEO came "crawling back" to me, begging me to do work for them again....I knew I couldn't do it. Not for any amount of money. I'd rather have my time (and my sanity) as my pursue other freelance projects much more to my volunteer in my daughter's focus on my focus on my be myself.....and NOT to be the stressed-out PR consultant to Mr. Big CEO.

While it's good to know that I'm wanted and needed by companies like this (dare I say that they might miss me and my skills?) it's even better to know and be confident that I did the right thing. I made the right decision.

There is no going back.


Stacey R said...

Proud of you, Amy! It's so very hard to say no! We'll have plenty of time in the future for work or whatever it is that is pulling at us. But for now, we have our beautiful children to be with and enjoy before they're gone. Such a tough decision you made, but it definitely sounds like the right decision!

Chasing Pure Simplicity said...

So proud of you!

Kimmy said...

That's so hard because I know how good you are at your job... but that job at home is precious. I'm proud of you for making such a tough decision. ~ kim