Thursday, January 31, 2008

Knock, knock...who's there?

E has a new trick....knocking. She's been knocking on doors for a while now....probably because I have doors shut to the rooms in our home that I don't want her going into. She seems to think that if she knocks politely, she'll gain entry wherever she wants. (Not so, little one...)

Well now, when she wants a cup of milk, she knocks on the door to the fridge...good grief!

(Side note - E has figured out how to open the door to my home has a "wigglier" knob that some of our other doors....but the baby gate in that doorway keeps that room sacred -- no pets, no babies! Mommies only! Whew!)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend Amy - I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet friend! You are a blessing.
Love you, A