Monday, June 1, 2009


E was outside playing in her kiddie pool over the weekend, when she started acting up, jumping and splashing in such a way that I was afraid she would fall and hurt herself. I was sitting in our porch swing, wearing sunglasses and reading a book while E was playing. When she started acting up, I put my book down, took my sunglasses off and asked E to look at me while I was talking to her, so I would know she was listening to me telling her to not jump and splash like that in the pool, because she could get hurt.

She said, "Mommy, you just need to put your sunglasses back on and start reading your book again so you can't see what I am doing!"

I was speechless! :-)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

That's hilarious! Love that age...they just say the cutest things!