Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My daughter's heart....

E had a big disappointment after school yesterday. Nothing earth-shaking, but there was a misunderstanding about whether or not a friend was going to come over to play after school (little friend's mommy's doctor's appointment didn't run long after all, so little friend didn't need me to pick her up after school...her mommy got her as per usual...) but E was crushed that something didn't work out that she was hoping for. Being tired from her school day, a little down with a runny nose, and being sad and disappointed, E cried all the way home.

I tried to explain the big word disappointment to E. It's sometimes hard to understand when you are 35, let alone four. While E was sobbing, she told me, "Mommy, but my heart is so sad! It hurts so much!"

I finally dried E's tears, got her some lunch, entertained her with silly stories and got her ready to go to afternoon preschool story time at our local library. Somewhere in the middle of all of that, my sweet girl looked at me and said, "Mommy, my heart does not hurt any more; it is happy again, it feels so much better!" I asked her what made the difference. And my sweet girl said, "Because you love me so much....you love me no matter what, and that made everything better!"

I know I will never be able to fix all of my sweet girl's hurts - especially not with a peanut butter sandwich, a hug and a promise of a trip to the library....But I do know that I love her so much that it hurts me when she's hurting. I am thankful she shared a glimpse of her heart with me yesterday. It was a special mommy moment.


Marc & Amy said...

okay, I'm crying! That was so sweet. You're a great mom, Ames.

Stacey R said...

What a sweet story that you will always remember!