Thursday, April 5, 2007

How much is that the grocery store?

We had a funny experience at the grocery store this afternoon. E and I were wheeling through the aisles picking up items we needed for Easter dinner and the week ahead, when E started yelling "Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Eeeeeeeeeee!" (baby universal sound for delight...) I couldn't figure out what had her going until I spotted a seeing eye dog down the aisle from us. Apparently he was being trained on how to help a vision impaired person with grocery shopping. We kept running into the dog and his trainer for several aisles....with lots of loud "Eeeeeeeeeeee!" every time....I finally changed our route, so everyone would have a much quieter shopping experience! Too cute!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

too cute! Our grocery store outings tend to have noise, too... in a little different way though. (o: I can't wait to see Easter dress pics of that little one! ~ kim